"Floating PLTD Ship" Or in the Indonesian language is "Kapal PLTD Apung". PLTD is an abbreviation of Diesel Power Plant.
"Reminders of history, reminder of the events, that's one of the many monuments function grows on this earth, be it a monument that deliberately and monuments that exist by itself"
The ship looks so big and sturdy. It is said to reach 2600 tons deadweight. Almost his entire body is made of iron and steel. Only a few parts are made of another metal or wood. In some parts of the body, there is a symbol of red lightning that is framed by a rectangular yellow background.

The ship looks so big and sturdy. It is said to reach 2600 tons deadweight. Almost his entire body is made of iron and steel. Only a few parts are made of another metal or wood. In some parts of the body, there is a symbol of red lightning that is framed by a rectangular yellow background.

That Floating diesel, one of the power plants owned by PT PLN. Diesel-fueled power plant with a capacity of 10.5 MW is brought to Aceh at around 2003 to supply electrical energy to Banda Aceh and surrounding communities.
If a plant is usually built permanently in a land, then this is a Floating diesel generator that was designed to float and move in the ocean. Because mobile design, the diesel can be used interchangeably in areas when it was in dire need of electricity.
As a ship and power plant, diesel should Floating currently floats in the middle of the ocean while producing energy, not piled on the mainland as of now is seen with a pair of eyes. But that's the reality now. Exceptional strength devastating tsunami have moved millions of pounds it ships with up to 5 km from their original position, on the coast of Ulee Lheue. In fact, according to the story of citizens, this ship has actually moved more than 5 km, but then the energy behind the tsunami took her back to the sea. But because of the energy behind the tsunami, which has weakened, the ship was finally stopped in place now.

Now, diesel Floating no longer in operation as a power plant, but it turned into one of the sites of the tsunami warning and where educational tours. Visitors can climb to the top of the bridge. On the bridge, provided binoculars that can be used to see the panorama of the city of Banda Aceh and the beaches in the surrounding areas. To allow visitors to climb to the top of the ship, Banda Aceh city government to build a ladder around the ship.
From the story of the monument guards, when the tsunami occurred, diesel Floating anchored in the middle of the beach area Ulee Lheue. There are approximately 8 crew members were on board. When the tide is low, Floating diesel was skewed due to uneven seabed. This led to seven crew got off the ship to save themselves for fear the ship upside down, leaving a lingering inside because at that time he was sleeping. In addition, they are also keen to catch a lot of fish because of receding tides tergelepar around the ship.
Without them knowing it, a few minutes after they were down, huge waves came. When realized, they had not had time again to save themselves. While one person who was sleeping in the boat survived.
One of the monuments of another tsunami in Aceh is the existence of a ship that rests on the roof of houses in the area Lampulo, Banda Aceh. When the tsunami occurred, the vessel weighs 65 tons with a length of about 25 meters that was docked at the pier, drawn up as far as 3 miles until finally stopping when the roof caught one of the houses.

Until now, the wooden ship was still in the position. Only, now the ship is not only supported by the walls of the house, but also some of the poles are deliberately constructed so that the hull is not falling. So that visitors can see up close the form vessel, built in and around the ship. But to keep the hull remained intact and undamaged, visitors are not allowed to go on board.
One more monument tsunami aceh warning can be found in the city of Banda Aceh. This time it is a permanent building which was constructed by the Government of the Museum Tsunami Aceh as well as a special education center for residents who want to find out about the Tsunami. His name is Tsunami Museum. To enter it does not charge at all.
From the highway, the design museum is the work of one of Indonesia's best sons, Ridwan Kamil, who currently serves as mayor of London, has been very captivated everyone to come visit.
Explore the museum trip started with a long hallway is narrow and dark. Hallway which has a height of about 40 meters was called the hall of the tsunami. Once inside, the sound of gurgling water heavy enough to welcome the visitors. To add to the dramatic impact of the tsunami, from the ceiling of the hall slid down a few grains of water is enough to make the hair becomes wet. Hmm, actually the short hallway that became seemed longer.
Once separated from the hallway tsunami, a square-shaped room surrounded by glass walls welcome visitors. In that room there are dozens of standing screen that is shaped like a tombstone at a glance. On the screen was rotated standing documentation photographs of the 2004 tsunami incident earlier in the slide show.
Of the square room, visitors are directed to enter into a fairly narrow room like a well shaped / cylinder diameter increasing upward has narrowed. The room was given nan dim yellow light. At the upper end of the room there is a God lafadz luminous, so this room is called space Light Of God. There is an implied meaning in these wells, when in a state sandwiched, between life and death as experienced by the victims of the tsunami when the waves come crashing, there is only one that can help save the man, the help of Allah.
On the walls of the well, plastered the names of which are part of the tsunami victims. From the outside, well it looks like a chimney.
Out of the well, visitors are invited to walk twisted, as if like someone who was in the tsunami. The longer running around, getting up and getting heavier, until finally few survivors of the waves and came to a bridge called the Bridge of Hope (Hope Road). Above the bridge of hope, there are 52 state flags during the tsunami which actively participates to provide aid to tsunami survivors in Aceh and throughout. Hmm, a design that is not only beautiful and interesting in terms of art, but also once loaded with meaning and the struggle of the survivors of the tsunami.
In the museum there are various facilities tsunami that is used for the benefit of tsunami education for visitors, such as a theater that shows some video documentation of the tsunami of 2004, tsunami dioramas, props geological forms, tsunami pictures gallery complete with a wide variety of artifacts tsunami like an hour wall which stopped beating when the quake struck Aceh or motorcycles and much more.
Well, there are many lessons that I can take of my journey that only full day in the city of Banda Aceh. One of them is how we are indeed very small and helpless before God there is no creator of the universe. If Allah had willed, hence there is no more help for beings like us but from Allah himself.
To find out about the Tsunami Museum in the wake of further permanently can be read in this article >> Museum Tsunami Aceh